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GOED funding awarded to county businesses

Shop in Utah grants have been awarded to two San Juan County businesses; Crazy Crow Cafe at Twin Rocks and Desert Rose Resort and Cabins, both in Bluff.


Desert Rose Resort and Cabins in Bluff, Utah is one of the San Juan County businesses qualifying for Shop in Utah funding, which comes from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, also known as GOED. In an effort to stimulate consumer spending, the state will match COVID-19 related losses up to $50,000.00, so long as the grant recipient offers an incentive to purchase the business' services and products.


Desert Rose Resort is offering guests who book during the month of August a second night of equal or lessor value at no additional cost.  The offer must be redeemed on or before the end of 2020. 


Cindy Tumeh, who owns and runs the resort with her husband Amer said, “We did the discount with the thought of gearing something that would keep visitors in town a second night. The hope is they will spend money in the restaurants, maybe take a tour, gas up and spend those out of town dollars with our neighbors here in Bluff.” 


The tale of the tape is miserable. Cindy related that this time of year Desert Rose usually has booked 50 rooms a night. The day before this interview only 4 rooms were sold. 


In the rest of her request for comment Cindy made sure state and local resources know they are appreciated for the work being done to mitigate the financial fallout resulting from COVID-19. “I want everyone at GOED to know we appreciate what we are receiving and on the county level, I want Natalie Randall and her staff to know we thank them for the work they are doing.” Randall is director of San Juan County Economic Development and Visitors Services. 


Steve Simpson, owner of Twin Rocks Trading Post and Crazy Crow Cafe, which is located in the Twin Rocks Cafe building, was also awarded a grant. 


Simpson knew his business would qualify on loss of revenue, but felt his need for monetary relief wasn’t as great as the need for the healthy, nutritious food many in his community needed.  He received the grant and then went to work on a way to share it with those most in need. Steve and Crazy Crow Cafe manager Frances van der Stappen worked out an arrangement to give the amount of the grant to a Bluff area hunger relief project. The deal:  You buy a meal and Crazy Crow donates an amount equal to your purchase to fund a weekly food distribution initiative created in partnership with nearby St. Christopher's Episcopal Mission to the Navajo.  For every dollar you spend at Crazy Crow Cafe, a dollar goes to local families to ensure they have access to healthy, nutritious meals.


Van der Stappen explained: “We have always known that hunger is a real problem for us in San Juan County, but COVID-19 has shined a light on the desperation local families are feeling.” She went on to say that with the help of St. Christopher’s, Crazy Crow and caring community volunteers, a full time food pantry will also soon be available for those in need.


So even if you didn’t have plans to travel to Bluff right now, maybe you should. Take the significant other for a night or two at The Desert Rose Resort, and enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner at Twin Rocks Crazy Crow Cafe. Your dollar will never go farther, for you, and for those who can use the help right now. 


For a statewide list of those participating in the Shop in Utah program, and what discounts you can expect, follow this link. Shop in Utah. Local Shop in Utah participants are at this link San Juan County Shop in Utah


To contact Desert Rose or for reservations click here. Desert Rose Resort and Cabins

                                 701 W. Main St. Bluff UT 84512

                                 (435) 672-2303


To browse Twin Rocks Trading post or order from their Crazy Crow Cafe online click here. (will fill all this in once Steve sends me info) or

913 E. Navajo Twins Drive

POB 330

Bluff, UT  84512


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